Corecraft – New WoW TBC private server, coming soon™

Unless you haven’t heard of Corecraft already, you may as well be missing out on the second coming of Christ too.

What  is Corecraft?

Corecraft is a new TBC server set for release (hopefully) within some time 2014.

Why does this server stand out from the rest?

Corecraft has been in open and closed beta for over a year now, and during that time, they have managed to release content that has never seen the face of private servers. As TBC is objectively the best expansion, there however is a lack of private servers that fully support it, besides a polish server, called Hellground, and Archangel, the realm that Feenix hosts although doesn’t particularly focus on as much as their Vanilla realms.

From porting over and implementing major Trinitycore (Open source WoTLK / Cataclysm private server core)  functions and database structure, to implementing complex raid and boss fights (such as the Karazhan Chess Event) to what look like a copy of what it was on retail, it seems like a very promising server.


Corecraft will be an (optional) instant level 58 server with 1x Experience rates. Content is scripted to 2.0.3 difficulty, which means that no nerfs will be implemented, everything will be more difficult which they intended to be. As with being a private server, I honestly don’t know how this will pan out, since players are for a fact worse on private servers than on retail.

Their huge changelogs can be found on their forum at this link

The following links were taken off Corecraft’s Youtube account. These fixes were made from the default open source core for 2.4.3.

Class Fixes videos




+Blink Mechanics:



+Mind Control AI:





Eye of Kilrogg, Blink, Visibility Range:

NPC and Pathing:

Fear Pathing:



Snare Pathing:

NPC Aggro system:

NPC AI #1:

NPC AI #2:


Player vs Player Mechanics:

Magtheridon/Neverspite/Gruul/Chess Event:

The Mechanar/The Underbog/Hellfire Ramparts:

NPC raid/dungeon pathing:


Karazhan Part 1 (Midnight, Moroes, Maiden of Virtue):

Opera Event:

Chess Event:

Terestian Illhoof:



Prince Malchezaar:

Webpage Features:

Corecraft, when?

Lately, staff are doing weekly blog entries which can be found on the front page of their website

There is no estimated time release, however this thread should give you more information about the estimation of the beta release.

So, be sure to check out the server, I sure will be playing it at the release